These days, every website has a blog, and for good reason — hosting a blog on your business’s website boosts your website’s appearance in search rankings, provides original content for your social media pages, builds consumer trust, and generally leads to a more professional, active web presence that generates leads and clientele.
Google Loves New Content
Maintaining a consistently updated blog is going to put you well ahead of the search rank game when it comes to your competitors. In fact, according to a TechClient infographic, companies with blogs have 97% more inbound links, with 61% of U.S customers saying they’ve made a purchase based on a blog post.
You’ll want to post blogs that include relevant, important keywords and phrases that you expect potential visitors to type into a search engine leading to your website. You may even be surprised that, in an era where video and images are certainly of importance, posts with over 1,000 words rank highest in Google searches. Creating in-depth, quality content like this is something that takes time and research, and is one of many reasons why you might prefer to hire a skilled blogging team to plan and post content for your website’s blog.
Blogging Lends a Sense of Expertise to Your Website
In the digital age, customers want to feel a personal connection with a company. It simply isn’t enough anymore to just post an ad or request a follow on Facebook. In 2016, blogs were rated as the 5th most trusted source for information found online. Blogging gives your company a personal, human feel that consumers are craving in this era. You could also use your blogs to network with other businesses, sharing each other’s blogs and boosting each other’s traffic.
Visitors Need to Feel Engaged
The Internet is an advertising goldmine, and in a market oversaturated with content, consumers need to feel truly engaged in order to follow your social media channels, explore your products, or share your services. High-quality, interesting blog posts are not only more likely to show up in search results; they are also more likely to develop trust between you and your web visitors. Expert content will keep readers coming back, and provide more opportunities for discussion both on your website and on social media. This level of trust results in creating loyal clientele that wants to be apart of your product or service. Content that consumers find interesting is one of the top 3 reasons people follow brands on social media at all, continues TechClient, with over half of customers feeling a company’s positivity after reading the company website. This, of course, leads to more sales and leads.
Blogging provides just the right combination of traffic driving and relationship building that is needed for your business’ success.
No Time to Blog? No Problem
Finding the time to compose regular, quality blog posts simply isn’t always realistic for business owners. Add in the time needed to share both original and Internet-based, engaging pieces with readers on social media, as well as the time to respond to comments, and the entire process can seem overwhelming for a business.
At Bamboo Marketing Solutions, we are experts at building the right digital presence for your business. We can create quality, weekly, SEO-friendly content that drives traffic to your website and allows you to establish loyalty with customers. We’ll take care of your social media needs, from Facebook to Instagram and beyond, so that you can focus more on running your business, and less on marketing.
Contact us today for an absolutely free consultation to see how we can help you grow your business through our expert digital marketing services.